It's a new world... your website should be a sales force and not just a brochure.
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A new website should be more than an online brochure. It's a representative of your brand and can help you be seen by millions of people. Even a local business website can become a leader in their field if they can get people from all over the world to visit.
What most marketers don't realize is in today's online environment what search engines are looking for is an authority. A website that gets lots of traffic is seen as the authority. So how does that relate to your business?
You could have an ugly website and millions of visitors and be seen as an authority. A perfect example is You don't have to get lost in the politics but notice that it's plain, basic, and boring AND it's one of the top 100 sites worldwide.
Then take a business that spent tens of thousands of dollars to have a beautiful site built but no one sees it. No one goes there. No one cares.
Knowing this how can we help you design and develop a website that looks great, gets visitors on the pages, and is cost effective so you don't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars?
Simple... we build websites that grab attention of search engines AND visitors AND get them to take action!
See, I (Todd) am a copywriter by trade. Knowing sales in print and applying that to your well designed website is what sets us apart from other web design and web development companies.
We don't take on every business that comes to us. We only build websites for businesses that we know we can help and that really care about their customers. It harms all our reputations to work with a company that doesn't put their customer service as a top priority.
Does that keep us from working with some businesses that would like to use our services?
Of course, but I've been in this marketing game beginning with outdoor advertising in the 1980s right up to copywriting, email marketing, and web design today. It's all the same in the end...
Use good copy, good web design, good email, and good customer service to become a leader in your field. I've seen it happen over and over and I bet it can happen for you too.
Contact us today and let's see if we are a good fit to work together and create exactly what you need to be on the road to the authority in your market.
As a leading Dallas digital marketing agency for over 5 years and in marketing for over 30 years, we have worked with all kinds of businesses. Our online marketing began with Facebook Advertising and evolved into website design and website development with an emphasis on SEO and copywriting.
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