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Real Estate Pros... Use Facebook Ads to Explode Your Business!

Facebook Advertising is STILL one of the most cost effective ways to get new real estate clients. Find out why below.

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Facebook Advertising for Real Estate Professionals

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

 Excellent ROI

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

No Competition

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

 Fast Results

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Targeted Clients

Facebook Advertising for Real Estate

I know... You have a Realtor friend who used Facebook Advertising and spent their whole budget with NO results.

Or... You Boosted an amazing post on your Facebook Page only to see NOTHING!

How about this one... You heard a Realtor in Des Moines used Facebook Ads and became a super star producer but won't let anyone know his secret - what a douche!

Here's the TRUTH About Running Advertising on Facebook for Real Estate Pros

Facebook Ads DO WORK for getting real estate clients in 2022. In fact they work really well! But here's what everyone misses, ANY form of successful advertising uses a process. And Facebook Advertising is no different.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Todd Herbst and I help businesses crush it with online marketing. I am a Real Estate Pro myself having been a real estate investor at many levels for many years. But now I love to help small businesses succeed online and offline and Facebook Advertising is one area I've been able to see really great results.

Now that you know a little about me let's get into the meat of why you are here. To do that I'll start with a story... a true story and one relevant to your real estate business.

Story Time :-)

Back in 2017 (the olden days) I met a real estate investor looking for high dollar ($10 million plus net worth) silent partners for a large development project. He asked me if it was possible to find such a beast on Facebook using ads. While I hadn't done this before with FB ads, and I don't think ANYONE had done this before (I asked my Facebook Pro friends), I told him the possibilities where good since I could target wealthy people within a certain age range and gender (at the time), all while using great copy to catch their attention and make them want to click to get on a sales call with my investor.

He would then close them over the phone.

As I said above, this wasn't my normal process but the thought of breaking new ground was exciting. I had been learning and using Facebook Advertising since 2015 and some of my best friends were true experts in the field. These mentors of mine taught me the exact process of how to run a successful ad, where to send the leads after they clicked the ad, and how to write the copy to urge them to make a sale.

My point of all this is to say that Facebook Advertising, and ALL advertising, uses a process or what we call a funnel to filter out prospects so you are left with someone who is VERY interested in what you are selling.

It could be a service like yours such as buying or selling a property. It could be sale of something physical like clothes or furniture. Or it could be a service like consulting or mortgage lending. Any way you use it, you want to spend time talking to those who want to buy (or sell in your case) and not waste time with those Lookie-Loos (as the car dealers say).

So what were the results of our wealthy investors advertising experiment?  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you...

We Got Qualified Leads for About $1 a Lead

Let that sink in for a minute...

I was able to pull COLD LEADS off of Facebook and get them to click a targeted and interesting ad while just a second before they had NO IDEA such an opportunity existed.

AND, these were what you'd call very well educated and very good with their money (or else they wouldn't have been targeted) men and women who were VERY cautious with their self-made, decades of hard work-hard earned money, and who just before didn't know anything about us.

If that weren't enough, they gave their contact info (something I find only the middle class is willing to do) to a form and request to be "sold".  Then my investor friend got on the phone and closed several of them to help fund the project.

Remember each qualified lead came in for under ONE DOLLAR!

I'm not saying that to sound like the greatest advertiser in the world because I am far from it. I say that because I spent a couple years learning how to run a successful ad on Facebook (or even Google). I didn't create an ad and hope and pray it worked.

It is a skillset and a process.

Running Facebook Ads in 2022 Takes Even More Skill and a More EXACT Process

Why is that you ask?

Many of the real estate targeting features I had back in 2016-2017 are gone.  All of the privacy issues Facebook was getting grilled about in front of Congress caused them to drop targeting such as net worth, age, household income, many interest based targeting, and much more.

And Facebook made it harder for Real Estate Pros like you to be in compliance when they run ads. So you can't do this, can't target that, can't focus on this client avatar, can't pick your nose. Well that you can but that's gross!

Facebook has made compliance it's TOP PRIORITY for all its advertisers. They aren't just picking on Real Estate Pros.  Everyone MUST run an ad exactly as Facebook requires or else your ad will be denied (bad), will run but cost you way more money (badder), or you get your ad account banned (most baddest). I know that's not proper English but the emphasis is proper. Getting your ad account banned is really really bad!

So What To Do?

Good question!

You have a few options:

  • Don't run Facebook ads
  • Run ads without knowing what you are doing
  • Take months to years to learn how to run ads successfully
  • Hire someone who knows how to run successful ads

Let's look at each real quick.

  • Don't Run Facebook Ads

This is the safest route of course. Just keep doing what you've been doing and keep getting the same results while Suzy in the office is griping about having to go to 3 closing today and show 4 houses tomorrow. She doesn't have the time because she has sooooo much business and really needs to hire an assistant. Really Suzy? We all know your griping is just a way to show off how "awesome" you are!

Here's what you don't know about Little MIss Suzy unless you get a few margaritas or a bottle of wine in her... She is advertising. Could be on billboards (they still work but are expensive), could be in networking groups (most likely not bc she won't have the time to do all the events), could be local online sites like Yelp, Yellow Pages, etc. (their only targeting is 'local' or 'not-local' AND their reps will call you more than a deadbeat teenager looking for money!), or she could be using online advertising like Google or Facebook.

Point is this, she is advertising, and most likely a lot! So like her or not, she knows how to play the game.

  • Run Ads Without Knowing What You Are Doing

Boosting a Post is Zuckerberg's way of getting richer by the second. He's freaking BRILLIANT!

"Let's set up a way to have business owners run an ad without having to set up accounts or learn how to run an ad. We could make it so they only have to spend a little bit of money and they will see a result or two. Then, like a person who plays the lottery or the gambling tables, they will keep spending small amounts of money until they realize it just doesn't work. By then we got hundreds of dollars out of them. And the best thing is there are hundreds of thousands of these types of business owners on Facebook right now ready to throw their money away in hopes of getting a sale!"

Now that's not a true quote of course but I'm pretty sure the thought process for creating the Boost A Post was along those lines. Why make it hard for the average person to spend money on something they hope will work for them.

Let's be real... running advertising online isn't a tangible thing. You don't get to take it home from the store and Amazon doesn't deliver it. So in order to get rich you make it as easy as possible for someone to spend money until they realize it's all a hoax.

Now we know that running ads yourself is probably not going to be profitable at best and highly bank account draining at worst.  What's next?

  • Take Months to Years to Learn How to Run Ads Successfully

This is a good one because as humans in the 21st Century we are all looking for the quick and easy.  As a business owner (as all Realtors, Brokers, Mortgage Lenders, and Investors are), you should know better than to look to the quick and easy. It's a lie bigger than the Boost a Post! haha

The reality of business is it takes time to learn a skill good enough to be VERY successful with it. Yes, you could have passed the Real Estate Exam on the first try and even closed a property within the first couple months but DID YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING?

I've been in real estate since I flipped my first house at the age of 17. As an principal investor I have bought and sold over 500 houses and numerous multifamily properties. I've trained people who went on to become multi-millionaires in real estate. I helped with titlework, legal issues, courthouse filings, bad tenants, good tenants, bad owners, and good owners, etc. but I do not, at all, feel I'm an expert at being a Real Estate Agent or brokering a sale. I wasn't trained, licensed, or ever worked as a buyer or seller rep, only as a principal. 

Am I qualified to become a licensed agent with a few classes and passing the exam? 

Yes, of course.

But I am not now and don't plan to be so I don't pretend. If you are an Agent and/or Broker it took you years to get where you are. You didn't just pop out of the womb selling houses or landing deals! A skillset takes time to learn and years to master. The same holds for online advertising. Especially because it all changes so quickly.

All that being said, you CAN become an expert in Facebook Advertising but you MUST PUT IN THE WORK. And that will take time. At least a year or more, many courses to buy, mentors to find, and so on. All while you are still a business owner running your real estate business like a Pro devoting the time and energy to that day in and day out.

Is that really what you want to do?

  • Hire Someone Who Knows How to Run Successful Ads

Most of the most successful business owners I know do one or two things damn well and delegate the rest. The CEO isn't in the mailroom sorting packages or stamping envelopes. Many big companies have in house marketing teams but most Fortune 500 companies hire advertising agencies.

Ford and Honda make cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Last I checked they don't make furniture. And along that thought process, Ikea doesn't make cars or trucks but is as big as Ford and Honda. The point is these companies have something they do at the highest level. They don't try to be all things to everyone.

And even within their niche they only target a demographic that fits their business model. Ford and Honda don't make luxury cars and Ikea doesn't complete with Ethan Allen. They do what they do and do it amazingly well (mostly).

And they all have advertising agencies doing their advertising.

Of course you aren't some huge company with the resources hire the biggest names in the ad business. And if you could they prob wouldn't take you. But no worries. I got you covered.

See, I specialize in helping Real Estate Pros take their business to the next level by using several skills related to marketing and advertising.  I have been running Facebook ads for various businesses besides my investor friend above. I am a trained copywriter (not copyright - that's a legal term), and I build websites and sales pages like this one you are on now.

All those skills together work to make the most effective Facebook ad possible.

Since you've made it this far down the page, here's the "secret sauce" of being great on Facebook:

  1. You need great a visual
  2. You need great copy
  3. You need great targeting
  4. You need a great offer
  5. You need a great Call To Action
  6. You need a great sales page to send the leads to
  7. You need to capture information
  8. You need to know how to RETARGET your leads
  9. You need the proper follow up with the leads

That's it. Pretty easy, right?

So, now the rest is up to you.

Do you want to let Little Miss Sassy-Pants Suzy get all the glory in the office and fill her bank account with more money than she needs or do you want to show her she isn't as special as she thinks she is?

And even if you don't care about Suzy you do care about providing for your family and building a retirement account to support you and your family later in life.

And if you are an even better person than all that you most likely care about helping those around you who need help. Having the ability to write a check or donate your time all knowing your business is rolling like a perpetual motion machine gives you the satisfaction you are looking for.

No matter the reasons or your "WHY" you can accomplish them. And bringing me on to guide your business in the realm of social media marketing and Facebook advertising could be one of the best things you do to reach your "WHY".

Fill out the short form below or click HERE for a NO-OBLIGATION call and see if you'd like to take your Real Estate Business to the next level and beyond.

Talk soon,

Todd Herbst

Oh, you have some concerns or objections? I got you!

I LOVE objections. Fur Reals as the kids say. Why do I love objections?

Because objections means we are getting closer to a sale and closer to a resolution. Did I expect you to just hand over your hand-earned money without feeling comfortable with your decision? 

Of course not.

So let's throw some of the most common objections I get out there...

  • How do I know you'll get results?

You don't. Anyone that says they will get you 'abc' results is setting you up. We are all in sales. We know as salespeople that we do our very best day in / day out but we cannot ensure results and especially cannot guarantee anything but death and taxes.

But what you can be sure of is that I'll be doing my best for you. Every. Single. Day.

This is very true for advertising. It's a soft science. If you spent a million dollars on a Super Bowl ad all you can guarantee is that millions of people MAY see your ad. That's it. No guarantee on sales, no guarantee on ROI, no guarantee your mom will like it (although if it's mom she prob will).

The same is true for Facebook advertising. I can guarantee I will put all my experience into creating the best advertising PROCESS to give you the best possibility of getting great results.

  • How much is this going to cost?

I call this the "information gathering" objection. People use this when either

1. They are ready to buy and really want to know how much it is going to cost them


2. They use what you say as the objection that it cost too much so they can buy some time to put you off

Number 1 isn't really an objection so we won't address it now.

Number 2 is a true cloaked objection. It means they are on the fence and need more information (not about price) to make a comfortable decision.

So here you go... Like all advertising I have a process and it goes like this:

  • We start with your Page Likes. This increase in your Facebook Page Likes is your only cost at this point. I charge $300-$500 to run this ad set which includes all the ad spend for this stage - aka I pay all your ad spend for this stageI get your Page Likes anywhere from one thousand to several thousand (3K+) which gives you Social Proof and makes you look like a leader in your industry. I will ONLY do this ad first and no others because we must have a solid foundation for Facebook to work with in order to run ads later.

  • If you want to continue, we will run a "get to know me" ad and set up custom audiences for retargeting ads later. Each ad builds on the next ad. The goal of ALL Facebook advertising is to turn Cold Audiences --> Warm Audiences --> Hot Audiences --> Sales. This is how to do it. For these and all subsequent advertising on Facebook I will help you set up your payment process so the ad spend comes out of your account and you pay me a monthly fee to run these ads. I also set up all your social media accounts to be congruent so you look like the Real Estate Professional you are. You control the ad budget from here. If you want to go crazy we can and if you want to hold back we can do that too. Of course, we need enough ad spend to use for fresh ads and retargeting. Usually the ad spend is $300-$500 for the first couple months and then we can ramp up as you see progress. My fee for this stage begins at $1000 a month for 3 months and goes to $1250 for 3 months and then $1500 per month after. There are no contracts and you can cancel at any time but be aware I will turn off all ads running when we cancel. This is to protect me legally and to protect your bank account from any overcharges Facebook might do since no one is captaining (is that a term?) the ship at that point. You can always go back in and turn them on or do whatever you choose.

The monthly amount you pay me includes the following:

  • Setting up social media account consistency as needed (I don't create or post Facebook Posts on your newsfeed unless it's a Facebook Ad)
  • Creating a custom advertising plan
  • Setting up Custom Audiences in your Business Manager for retargeting advertising
  • Advising on video content
  • Creating Facebook ads and retargeting ads
  • Following the data and adding or eliminating ads as needed
  • Giving you weekly updates
  • Consulting on best practises and next month plans
  • We can add in email marketing later for an addition fee

  • I need to talk with my Broker first

Perfect! No reason not to tell them what you are going to do. If you really want to move forward after the Page Like ads I'd be happy to set up a time to meet with them on the phone or Zoom and explain what I do. Then you decide what you think is best for you.

  • What if I don't like the results?

I hope you do like the results. I hope the ROI you put into Facebook advertising is so good that you don't want to stop. But it happens. Most of the time people stay with me for a year and a half or so. Then they feel they can do it themselves or are so busy and overwhelmed they have to slow down or stop all the business coming in.

After the Page Like ads, my goal for you is to bring in 2-3 extra closes a month starting around month 3. At that rate you are getting an absurd ROI. If you are a Realtor working under a Broker 2-3 closings will give you 10k or more for the average market. If you are a Broker it's an even better ROI. If you are a Mortgage Lender 2-3 closes may be less ROI but still WAY BETTER than you had without running ads.

If you gave me a dollar and I gave you back at minimum a 5-spot what would you do if I gave you more?  What if I gave you back a 10 dollar bill for every dollar you gave me?  It's like an ATM machine on the 'roids!

But life happens. Believe me, I know. I've been very wealthy at a young age and lost it all. I've done that 3 times so far in my life due to health issues and wrong personal choices (trusting the wrong people) so I expect you to be in complete control. Turn off the faucet anytime you want. I'm ok either way.

  • I'm still not sure but very intrigued. Can I talk with you to find out more?

Of course. Fill out the short form below and let's set up a time to talk.

*** Important NO-BS Statement ***

I am a "one-man-band". I do it all, just like many of you. I answer the phone, return calls, set up social media accounts, set up advertising plans, write ad copy and video sales letter copy, organize how it all fits together, consult with my Real Estate Pros, adjust ads as needed, create new ads and new custom audience ads, monitor ads and ad spend, advise on future ads and marketing, breathe somewhere in that time too.

All that means is I can only devote so much time and energy to a client. So instead of getting rich off of tons of clients but no personal service, I take on a handful and kill it for them. Just like you, my attention is on getting my clients the best results they are looking for and hopefully a little more.

If you any other objections questions, please fill out the short form below.

I'll get back to you asap.

Todd Herbst

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer the negative elements in your life, don’t sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy!”

 - Dale Carnegie

PS:  Don't forget to fill out the short info form below to set up a no obligation call. Really... no obligation and I will give you the exact process I will use to transform your business even if you don't work with me! 

It's a no-lose no-brainer offer! Fill it out today!

"With the targeted ads that Todd ran we sold out 1200 seats of a show no one had ever seen before. Incredible!"

Diane M.

"I couldn't believe we could get such well qualified leads on Facebook for a dollar or less! Our experiment worked!"

John H.

"I never thought we could find houses to flip using Facebook Ads but we did and at a much lower cost per lead than Google Ads!"

Doug H.

"Todd ran some ads on Facebook and all of a sudden I had 3 listings in a month without even spending a thousand dollars!"

Angela F.

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